Metagame og topp åtte-decklister fra Open #4 – Modern

Sesongens fjerde Open ble spilt søndag 26. oktober. Her finner du metagamet, resultatene og decklistene fra sluttspillet.


39 spillere møtte opp på Escape med til sammen 28 ulike erketyper. Grixis Death’s Shadow og Eldrazi Tron med henholdsvis fire og tre kopier var de mest spilte deckene, mens ytterligere seks erketyper var representert med to kopier hver.

Alle erketyper

Erketype Antall
Grixis Death’s Shadow 4
Eldarzi Taxes 3
Abzan 2
Affinity 2
Eldrazi Taxes 2
Grixis Control 2
Twinless Twin 2
U/R Gifts Storm 2
5C Death’s Shadow 1
5C Humans 1
Abzan Company 1
B/R Goryo’s Vengeance 1
B/W Superfriends 1
B/W Tokens 1
Death & Taxes 1
Elves 1
Faeries 1
Grixis Goryo’s Vengeance 1
Jund 1
Lantern Control 1
Nine Lives 1
Ponza 1
U/B Scarab God 1
U/G Merfolk 1
U/R Breach 1
U/W Control 1
U/x Tron 1
Waste Not Storm 1

Resultater etter seks runder

Etter seks runder swiss var det sju spillere på 13 eller flere match-poeng, og hele fem spillere med tolv poeng som kjempet om den åttende plassen i sluttspillet. Christian Bergesen var den av de med best Opponent Match Win (OMW), og han fikk dermed spille videre.

  1. Martin Mauseth (14p)
  2. Michael Norderhaug Getz (14p)
  3. Fredrik Lindh (14p)
  4. Finn Erik Sølverød (13p)
  5. Örjan Bask (13p)
  6. Håkon Gulbrandsen (13p)
  7. Mikael Gyhagen (13p)
  8. Christian Bergesen (12p, 64.8 {15e86790dc61b00f0cb9b2e3c3642c4916064a4b03be7d146988f72171b7b782} OMW)
  9. Geir Magne Flyum (12p, 61.1 {15e86790dc61b00f0cb9b2e3c3642c4916064a4b03be7d146988f72171b7b782} OMW)
  10. Lars-Petter Radich (12p, 53.6 {15e86790dc61b00f0cb9b2e3c3642c4916064a4b03be7d146988f72171b7b782} OMW)
  11. Steffen Kipperberg-Hellandsvik (12p, 48.3 {15e86790dc61b00f0cb9b2e3c3642c4916064a4b03be7d146988f72171b7b782} OMW)
  12. Rosie Smithells (12p, 48.1 {15e86790dc61b00f0cb9b2e3c3642c4916064a4b03be7d146988f72171b7b782} OMW)

Topp åtte

Topp åtte bestod av åtte ulike erketyper: fire aggressive decker ved Affinity, B/W Eldrazi Taxes, Eldazi Tron og Grixis Death’s Shadow, tre veldig ulike kontroll-strategier ved Lantern Control, Ponza og U Tron samt en kombo-decker ved U/R Gifts Storm.

Aggro-deckene tok tre av fire semifinaleplasser, og i finalen fikk vi Mikael Gyhagen på Eldrazi Tron mot Martin Mauseth på Affinity. Martin gikk til seirende ut. Vi gratulerer!

Topp åtte-decklister

Affinity (Martin Mauseth)

Lands (17)
Blinkmoth Nexus
Darksteel Citadel
Inkmoth Nexus
Spire of Industry

Creatures (28)
Arcbound Ravager
Etched Champion
Glint-Nest Crane
Master of Etherium
Signal Pest
Steel Overseer
Vault Skirge

Other spells (15)
Cranial Plating
Galvanic Blast
Mox Opal
Springleaf Drum
Welding Jar
Sideboard (15)
Ancient Grudge
Blood Moon
Chalice of the Void
Etched Champion
Ghirapur Aether Grid
Grafdigger’s Cage
Hazoret the Fervent
Relic of Progenitus
Rest in Peace


Eldrazi Tron (Mikael Gyhagen)

Lands (24)
Cavern of Souls
Eldrazi Temple
Ghost Quarter
Sea Gate Wreckage
Urza’s Mine
Urza’s Power Plant
Urza’s Tower

Creatures (20)
Matter Reshaper
Reality Smasher
Thought-Knot Seer
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Walking Ballista
Wurmcoil Engine

Other spells (16)
All Is Dust
Chalice of the Void
Expedition Map
Karn Liberated
Mind Stone
Sideboard (15)
Basilisk Collar
Grafdigger’s Cage
Hangarback Walker
Pithing Needle
Ratchet Bomb
Relic of Progenitus
Spatial Contortion
Surgical Extraction
Warping Wail


Ponza (Håkon Gulbrandsen)

Lands (21)
Cinder Glade
Kessig Wolf Run
Stomping Ground
Windswept Heath
Wooded Foothills

Creatures (14)
Arbor Elf
Birds of Paradise
Inferno Titan
Obstinate Baloth
Stormbreath Dragon
Thrun, the Last Troll

Other spells (25)
Beast Within
Blood Moon
Bonfire of the Damned
Chandra, Flamecaller
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
Primal Command
Stone Rain
Utopia Sprawl
Sideboard (15)
Ancient Grudge
Anger of the Gods
Chameleon Colossus
Kitchen Finks
Relic of Progenitus
Scavenging Ooze
Sudden Shock


Grixis Death's Shadow (Örjan Bask)

Lands (18)
Blood Crypt
Bloodstained Mire
Polluted Delta
Scalding Tarn
Steam Vents
Watery Grave

Creatures (15)
Death’s Shadow
Gurmag Angler
Snapcaster Mage
Street Wraith
Tasigur, the Golden Fang

Other spells (27)
Collective Brutality
Fatal Push
Inquisition of Kozilek
Kolaghan’s Command
Liliana of the Veil
Serum Visions
Stubborn Denial
Thought Scour
Sideboard (15)
Anger of the Gods
Ceremonious Rejection
Collective Brutality
Flaying Tendrils
Fulminator Mage
Izzet Staticaster
Kolaghan’s Command
Leyline of the Void
Liliana, the Last Hope
Surgical Extraction


U/R Gifts Storm (Fredrik Lindh)

Lands (18)
Polluted Delta
Scalding Tarn
Shivan Reef
Spirebluff Canal
Steam Vents

Creatures (7)
Baral, Chief of Compliance
Goblin Electromancer

Other spells (35)
Desperate Ritual
Empty the Warrens
Gifts Ungiven
Noxious Revival
Past in Flames
Pyretic Ritual
Serum Visions
Sleight of Hand
Sideboard (15)
Blood Moon
Echoing Truth
Empty the Warrens
Kozilek’s Return
Lightning Bolt
Pieces of the Puzzle
Shattering Spree
Swan Song


Eldrazi Taxes (Michael Norderhaug Getz)

Lands (22)
Caves of Koilos
Concealed Courtyard
Eldrazi Temple
Ghost Quarter
Shambling Vent

Creatures (29)
Dark Confidant
Eldrazi Displacer
Leonin Arbiter
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
Thought-Knot Seer
Tidehollow Sculler
Wasteland Strangler

Other spells (9)
Aether Vial
Path to Exile
Relic of Progenitus
Sideboard (15)
Blessed Alliance
Burrenton Forge-Tender
Fatal Push
Grafdigger’s Cage
Mirran Crusader
Orzhov Pontiff
Rest in Peace
Stony Silence
Zealous Persecution


U Tron (Finn Erik Sølverød)

Lands (23)
Academy Ruins
Field of Ruin
Oboro, Palace in the Clouds
Snow-Covered Island
Urza’s Mine
Urza’s Power Plant
Urza’s Tower

Creatures (9)
Platinum Angel
Solemn Simulacrum
Sundering Titan
Torrential Gearhulk
Treasure Mage
Trophy Mage
Walking Ballista
Wurmcoil Engine

Other spells (28)
Chalice of the Void
Coalition Relic
Commit // Memory
Crucible of Worlds
Expedition Map
Gifts Ungiven
Oblivion Stone
Search for Azcanta
Spell Burst
Thirst for Knowledge
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
Sideboard (15)
Chalice of the Void
Nimble Obstructionist
Spatial Contortion
Spreading Seas
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
Wurmcoil Engine


Lantern Control (Christian Bergesen)

Lands (18)
Academy Ruins
Botanical Sanctum
Darkslick Shores
Inventors’ Fair
River of Tears
Spire of Industry

Spells (42)
Ancient Stirrings
Codex Shredder
Collective Brutality
Ensnaring Bridge
Grafdigger’s Cage
Inquisition of Kozilek
Lantern of Insight
Mishra’s Bauble
Mox Opal
Pithing Needle
Pyxis of Pandemonium
Search for Azcanta
Whir of Invention
Witchbane Orb
Sideboard (15)
Abrupt Decay
Ancient Grudge
Collective Brutality
Engineered Explosives
Grafdigger’s Cage
Leyline of Sanctity
Maelstrom Pulse
Pithing Needle
Pyrite Spellbomb
Seal of Primordium
Welding Jar
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